The Hutchinson News' Pulitzer Prize at Reno County Museum

2022-08-20 00:57:42 By : Ms. Candy Song

Not many are aware that The Hutchinson News was once awarded the Pulitzer Prize, which is often considered the highest award in journalism.

The News this week placed its prize, a small cast gold-plated emblem, which for decades sat in a lighted chest-high case just inside the front entrance of its building, on long-term loan to the Reno County Museum.

The museum will display it, along with a few other items from The News, in a glass display case within the museum’s centrally located research library on its second floor, said Chief Curator David Reed.

There it will be more prominently displayed than it had been in The News lobby and can be seen by about 10,000 people a year who pass through the area, Reed said.

"Museum staff will be working on developing material to include in the display “to tell its story,” Reed said. However, he didn't know how quickly the full display would be ready.

“A lot of people, even young people, know what a Pulitzer is, but not many have seen one,” he said.

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The News received its Pulitzer Prize in 1965 in the category of Public Service after a four-year concurrent court case and editorial campaign on legislative reapportionment, contending the state's legislative seats were unfairly distributed.

The Pulitzer committee cited The News “For its courageous and constructive campaign… to bring about more equitable reapportionment of the Kansas Legislature, despite powerful opposition in its own community.”

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Pulitzer Prizes have been awarded annually since 1917 by Columbia University for the most outstanding accomplishments in the nation in journalism and the arts. But The News is one of only three newspapers in the state of Kansas to be awarded the prize over that 105 years.

Others were the Emporia Gazette, whose editor William Allen White won it twice for editorial writing, in 1923 and 1946, and Topeka Capital-Journal photographer Brian Lanker, recognized in 1973, for his photographic sequence on childbirth, “Moment of Life.”

The Kansas City Star has won eight Pulitzers, but it is published in Missouri.

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Three executives at The News -- Editor and Publisher John P. Harris, Associate Publisher Peter MacDonald and Associate Editor John McCormally -- filed suit in Shawnee County District Court on Nov. 1, 1961, on behalf of The Hutchinson Publishing Company.

Also joining The News was Earnest W. Johnson, editor and publisher of the Olathe News.

Named in the suit were Secretary of State Paul R. Shanahan and county clerks in Reno, Shawnee, Johnson and Sedgwick counties, who oversee elections in their counties.

The lawsuit contended the legislature was not following the state constitution or Kansas statutes on reapportionment, which is the process of reassigning representation based on changes in population after every census, to ensure it is equal.

The legislature had the same number of members as today, with 40 in the Senate and 125 in the House.

The state constitution at the time called for reapportionment every five years, but the Senate had not changed in 14 years, with the process last occurring in 1947.

The Senate was divided at the time with 26% of the state's population controlling 21 seats, or a majority of the body.

While the House attempted reapportionment in 1959, it was the first time in a half-century, and the distribution was based on both population and geography, according to stories from the time.

All 105 counties had a House member, with the other 20 seats split geographically.

According to details in the suit, 13 counties split those 20 seats, resulting in wide disparities in representation.

In 1961, a majority of the House represented just 18% of the population.

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In its ruling in favor of The News, the court noted Barton County had two Representatives for a population of 34,147 people, or one per 17,063 residents. Sedgwick County had five representatives, but with a population of 352,399, it averaged one per every 65,000 residents, a 380% disparity.

Reno County had two House seats, but the way they were assigned, one lawmaker represented 50,451 residents and the other just 9,518, or a ratio of 5 to 1.

Despite the obvious disparities, the efforts by The News were unpopular.

Most lawmakers were from small rural districts, so they were averse to shifting seats to more populous counties.

In the 1960s -- and up until the last decade -- The News had wide circulation in 39 counties in southwestern and south-central Kansas, the majority with relatively small populations.

So, its readers and many community leaders also opposed changes to reapportionment since they held substantially more power and sway than with seats based on near equal population.

Letters to the editor and editorials in other newspapers around the state regularly attacked The News for its effort. Copies of those letters and editorials were part of the submission by The News for the prize.

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The Pulitzer judges recognized The News for being among the first papers in the nation to seek change, even before a landmark Supreme Court case, Baker vs. Carr, was decided.

The News editors also sought the change through state courts rather than federal courts, a lengthier and more challenging process. The prize judges also noted the plaintiffs were politically non-partisan, with two registered Republicans and one a Democrat.

Initially, the suit also challenged the constitutionality of every county having a representative, noting Saline County, with 50,000 residents, and Stanton County, with 2,000, each had a single representative. But that issue was dropped as the suit progressed, according to an Associated Press report.

After a Shawnee County judge made a ruling in early 1962 that allowed the suit to progress, and the U.S. Supreme Court found unconstitutional a Tennessee law similar to the one in Kansas, which Harris and the group unsuccessfully attempted to join, the Kansas Senate did reapportion.

A clerical error, however, left the city of Leawood out of the statute, so when issuing a ruling in July 1962, Shawnee County District Judge Marion Beatty found both the House and Senate apportionments unconstitutional.

“On its face, the act offends fundamental concepts inherent in our Republican form of government and makes out a prima facia case of unequal representation so great that it repels any presumption there exists a fair approximation of what is required,” Judge Beatty wrote.

The court favored a system known as “the method of equal proportions,” distributing the 20 extra seats to the five largest counties, including Reno County, based on population.

The appellate court upheld Beatty's findings, and on March 1, 1965, the Kansas Supreme Court agreed with the lower courts.

Voters subsequently approved legislatively proposed changes to the Kansas constitution related to reapportionment in 1972, 1974 and 1988.

The 1974 amendment established that reapportionment to occur every 10 years, and the 1988 changes are the rules used today.

Voters, incidentally, approved four other constitutional amendments in 1972, including repealing the law prohibiting individuals involved in duels from serving office and repealing the law requiring a state census.

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According to the Pulitzer Prize website, the 2 ¾-inch tall, quarter-inch thick medal, made of silver with a 24-carat gold plate, is presented to the winning newspaper in a cherry-wood box with brass hardware.

The News' prize was set into a small cherry-wood stand with the words “The Hutchinson News,” “1964,” and “Pulitzer Prize” carved into the box.

One side of the medal displays the profile of Benjamin Franklin, considered the most celebrated newsman in American history. On the other side is a bare-chested printer at work.

Surrounding the printer are the words: "For disinterested and meritorious public service rendered by an American newspaper” for the year awarded.

Inscribed on the Franklin side of the medal is the winning news organization's name and the year of the award on the other.