high school sees updates over the summer

2022-08-20 00:49:08 By :

Students returning to Lincoln Community High School will notice many changes that have been made over the summer months.

David Helm, principal at LCHS, credited the hard work of the janitorial staff that is run by Doug Sheley.

“They have been busy this summer. Painting and making sure new furniture is where it is supposed to be from the teachers who had made requests,” said Helm.

Some of the updates include more tables and chairs in the upper classman hallway, four 3-D printers, a new sound system in the auditorium and a new training room.

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“The tables and chairs give our students the opportunity to eat lunch in more of a bistro setting and means less congestion in the lunch room,” said Helm.

The library has also been redesigned allowing students to work on projects with comfortable seating and equipment for presentations.

Future plans include incorporating bench style seating outside of the auditorium on both levels.